Monday, October 27, 2008

Punxsutawney Phil

I read Punxsutawney Phil by Julia Spencer Mountain PhD. I describe the book as great and cool. I do recommend the book to others because people might like animals. The place the story took place is in the house. The characters are Puxsutawney, Barney, and Phil. The problem is that it is almost winter and the bunnies needed supplies. The other interesting thing is that it's funny and interesting. That is why you should read the book because it is interesting.

By Maria


Anonymous said...


I think you did a very good job on your book review.I liked the way you wrote your sentences.I would totaly read this book if I had it right know!


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great book.
Ms. Hughes

Anonymous said...

Maria, you book report was fantastic.You have very good deatils.Yes I like my book really.thank you for the comment Maria! -ALYSSA

Anonymous said...

Ms. Hughes

Thanks for that comment.The book realy is a good book.Ms. Hughes thanks very much.

Sencirly Maria

Anonymous said...


Thanks for those nice comments. I wish I had the book right now so you can read it.

Sincirly Maria

Anonymous said...


Thanks for those nice comments. I wish I had the book right now so you can read it.

Sincirly Maria