Monday, October 27, 2008

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

The main problem is that the pig got a pancake. First the pig wanted to take a bath. Then she wanted to visit her family. Next she wanted to take pictures.

By Alysun


Anonymous said...


I like your story details but just add a little more but if you did that your story will be great!


Anonymous said...

this book is really good i can really picture myself in the book because i think that might happen to me one day.How does the story end becuase i want to know what happens to the pig. Hosuman

Anonymous said...

Alysun, I liked how you put the main idea and then you descriebed very good your book. Sincerely,Flor

Anonymous said...


I will write more if it inspiers you from,Alysun

Anonymous said...

Hosuman, It ended with the pig eating a nother panck with surup. from,Alysun

Anonymous said...

Flor, Thank you for your coment.from,Alysun